- Olympus announces the DSX Series of opto-digital microscopes for industrial use. (Jan.)
- The Olympus OM-D and E-M5 mirrorless cameras go on sale. (Feb.)
- Olympus launches the Thunderbeat integrated surgical energy device. (Mar.)
- The EVIS EXERA III gastrointestinal videoscope system is launched in Europe and North America. (Apr.)
- Hiroyuki Sasa is appointed President. (Apr.)
- Olympus announces a medium-term vision designed to realize a "New Olympus" and take the company "Back to Basics." (Jun.)
- The IX3 Series (IX83, IX73, IX53) inverted research microscopes are introduced. (Jul.)
- Olympus forms a business and capital alliance with Sony. (Sep.)
- The Evis Lucera Elite gastrointestinal videoscope system is introduced in the Japanese market. (Oct.)
- Olympus announces plans for the construction of new building at its three main medical plants in Aomori and Fukushima. (Dec.)
Olympus Chronology
Back to Basics as a New Olympus with the Medical Business as the Core Segment
The new management team began the process of restoring confidence in Olympus by pledging that the company would never again engage in improper activities, and by announcing a new medium-term vision designed to create a "new Olympus."
The medical business was positioned as the core segment. Olympus began to introduce flagship products in the gastrointestinal and surgical fields and also established a repair service center at Ina in Nagano Prefecture. The continuing concentration of management resources into the medical area includes plans for the construction of a series of new plants for medical devices.
The IX3 Series (IX83, IX73, IX53)
The Olympus OM-D E-M1 mirrorless cameras
- Sony Olympus Medical Solutions Inc. is established. (Apr.)
- Olympus announces a 3D surgical endoscopy system. (Apr.)
- The Olympus OM-D and E-M1 mirrorless cameras are launched. (Oct.)
- A repair service center is established in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture to strengthen endoscope repair services and equipment management in Japan. (Dec.)
- Olympus introduces upper digestive tract and colorectal endoscopes with approximately 80x optical magnification. (Oct.)
Surgical endoscope system with 4K resolution
- Olympus uses a matrix organizational structure that maximizes the use of corporate resources by interconnecting businesses and functions in a balanced and efficient manner. (Apr.)
- Olympus announces a surgical endoscope system with 4K resolution based on technology developed by Sony Olympus Medical Solutions Inc. (Oct.)
Olympus PEN-F
- Olympus Corporation establishes its regional headquarters for Middle East and Africa (MEA) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (February)
- Olympus launches the Olympus PEN-F
The compact system camera special PEN with a timeless beauty in its design. (February) - Olympus launches the Olympus PCF-H290Z Series Video Colonoscope system. (March)
- Olympus announces the IPLEX HX Industrial Videoscope. (April)
- Olympus launches the Single Use Aspiration Needle EZ Shot 3 Plus. (April)
- Olympus expands its THUNDERBEAT product line:
THUNDERBEAT Open Extended Jaw is the first Olympus product to be specially designed for open surgical procedures. (May) - Olympus announces the Olympus FluoView FV3000 and FV300RS, two new models of high-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopes. (July)
- Olympus announces the launch of its Thai - Medical Training and Education Center (T-TEC) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Contributing to Raising Awareness of Gastrointestinal and Surgical Endoscopes and the Standard of Diagnosis and Treatment Techniques in Southeast Asia. (July) - Olympus introduces its VANTA series, a range of handheld XRF analyzers – designed to increase productivity in materials analysis tasks. (September)
- Olympus launches its EZDilate multi stage endoscopic balloon dilator
Offers Visualization During Gastrointestinal Stricture Treatment. (November) - Olympus launches the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II, it's new flagship mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. (December)
VISERA ELITE II, a surgical endoscope system with an infra-red (IR) imaging capability
- Launch of VISERA ELITE II, a surgical endoscope system with an infra-red (IR) imaging capability (March)
- Launch of Olympus Tough TG-5 Compact Digital Camera (June)
- Launch of MX63 and MX63L industrial microscopes for inspection of semiconductors and flat panel displays (FPDs) (June)
- Launch of Olympus Ultra-Portable EPOCH 6LT Flaw Detector (June)
- Launch of Olympus ORBEYE Surgical Microscope, incorporating the latest advances in 4K 3D video technology (October)
- Launch of Olympus SnareMaster Plus Single-use electrosurgical snare specially designed for cold snare polypectomy (October)
- Olympus Korea announces the launch of its Korea - Medical Training and Education Center (K-TEC) in Incheon, Korea. (October)
- Launch of GX53 Inverted Metallurgical Microscope (November)
- Launch of the SpinSR10 Super-Resolution Imaging System (November)
- Launch of Two Types of Upright FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (November)
- Launch of TruResolution Objectives for Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscopes (January)
- Launch of Olympus PEN E-PL9 Interchangeable Lens Camera (February)
- Launch of EasySuite® 4K, the Next-Generation Integrated Operating Room Solution for Hospitals (March)
- Launch of Two Models of Rhino-Laryngo Videoscope That Offer Ergonomic New Control Section and Weight Reduction (May)
- Launch of the ENF-VT3, the World’s First Rhino-Laryngo Videoscope to incorporate 4-direction angulation capability (May)
- Launch of IPLEX G Lite Industrial Videoscope (May)
- Launch of EZ Shot 3 Plus 25 G with Enhanced Maneuverability for Uncompromised Access to Any Lesion, Consistent (September)
- Launch of IPLEX GX/GT Industrial Videoscopes (September)
- ConsumerThe 8 x 42 PRO and 10 x 42 PRO High-end Binoculars (October)
- Launch of High-Sensitivity Model of the SpinSR10 Super Resolution Imaging System (November)