Olympus operates the website Onakano Kenko Dot Com under the supervision of medical experts to provide as many people as possible information on various diseases of the digestive tract, cancer screening, endoscopic examinations and treatment. We support the maintenance of people’s health by continuing to provide proper information.
Cancer Awareness Activities: Japan
Onakano Kenko Dot Com
Website of the Onakano Kenko Dot Com
White Paper on Cancer Awareness Survey Regarding Stomach and Colorectal Cancer Examinations and Endoscopic Screening
2021 White Paper on Cancer Awareness Survey Regarding Stomach and Colorectal Cancer Examinations and Endoscopic Screening
Olympus conducted a cancer awareness survey of 18,800 citizens (400 men and women aged 30-60 in every prefecture) regarding stomach and colorectal cancer, cancer screening and endoscopy. The results were summarized in the 2021 White Paper on Cancer Awareness Survey Regarding Stomach and Colorectal Cancer Examinations and Endoscopic Screening.
This white paper contributes to society by offering members of the public an opportunity to deepen their understanding of cancer and cancer screening, and by providing information that medical administrators and healthcare professionals can use to, among other things, improve rates of stomach and colorectal cancer screenings and detailed checkups.
Encouraging Cancer Screening in Cooperation with Local Governments
Cancer Screening Promotion Leaflets
Olympus supports the activities of local governments that aim to achieve a cancer screening rate of greater than 50%. By entering into agreements to address cancer with these local governments and providing materials for use in encouraging people to undergo cancer screening and detailed checkups, we are contributing to improving rates of stomach and colorectal cancer screening and detailed checkups.
- Leaflets encouraging residents to undergo stomach and colorectal cancer screening and detailed checkups, to be included when the cancer countermeasure departments of local governments send out cancer screening information.
- Stomach cancer screening awareness posters to be displayed in public facilities and medical institutions.
Brave Circle Campaign to Eradicate Colorectal Cancer
Website of the Brave Circle Campaign to Eradicate Colorectal Cancer
As one of the official supporters of the Brave Circle Campaign to Eradicate Colorectal Cancer, Olympus supports the activities of the Brave Circle Steering Committee, an NPO. In cooperation with national and local governments and companies, this NPO distributes leaflets and posters to boost awareness of colorectal cancer screening and holds educational events to encourage men and women in target age groups to undergo colorectal cancer screening.
As one of the companies involved in launching this campaign, Olympus supports these activities through the participation of employee volunteers in events held jointly by the NPO and the government.
Cancer Education Activities, Endoscope Kids Class
Children Operating an Endoscopic Device during an Endoscope Kids Class
In the classroom, revisions to curriculum guidelines have led to the full-fledged introduction of "Integrated Learning Time" and "Cancer Education" courses, and classes in which schools and companies collaborate are being promoted.
As part of its efforts to support education for the next generation, Olympus is working with local elementary, middle and high schools to hold educational programs, including the Endoscope Kids Class. They include lectures explaining the role of endoscopes in contributing to screening and treatment for cancer and other diseases, and offer students hands-on experience in operating endoscopic devices, thereby communicating to children of the next generation the importance of early detection and treatment of cancer.
Web version of Endoscope Kids Class "Let’s Learn about Endoscopes"
July 14 is Endoscope Day
Logo of Endoscope Day, July 14
In Japan, July 14 of each year is Endoscope Day. It was established by the Japanese Foundation for Research and Promotion of Endoscopy in the hopes of furthering the development and widespread use of endoscopic medicine, and the date has been certified by the Japan Anniversary Association.
Olympus is engaged in efforts to draw an interest in endoscopy among the wider public in conjunction with Endoscope Day.