Of the companies that formulate action plans under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Next-Generation Act), those that achieve the targets specified in those action plans and meet certain standards may apply to be recognized as companies that support the raising of children and receive Kurumin certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Olympus and its Japan subsidiaries have developed action plans to implement and continue to work on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. As a result, Olympus in 2022, Olympus obtained “Platinum Kurumin Certification,” which recognizes companies that are committed to high standards while promoting ongoing initiatives. Furthermore, Olympus Terumo Biomaterials was certified a “Platinum Kurumin Certified Company” in 2021, and Olympus Marketing and Aizu Olympus were certified “Kurumin Certified Companies” in 2020 and 2022, respectively.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- Basic Approach
- Systems and Mechanisms
- Promotion Structure and Initiatives
- Targets and Achievements Data
Basic Approach
The Olympus Group is committed to realizing "health, security, and spiritual enrichment for people around the world," and diversity and inclusion (D&I) is the foundation of all our activities. We respect diversity in all its forms and strive to create a healthy organizational culture in which diverse human resources accept each other and allow each individual to perform at his or her best.
Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Concept in Japan
Along with respecting diversity in terms of gender, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, values, and work style, we will work to create an open organizational culture in which everyone accepts supports each individual to understand and overcome their unique challenges.
Human resources who have mastered various fields will demonstrate their abilities in their areas of expertise, and unite with each other to utilize each other’s opinions and create new value. To this end, we are committed to understanding the diverse needs of the world and providing an environment in which each and every Olympus employee can thrive in these challenging times of change.
Through D&I, people should gain new values and ways of thinking, enrich their minds, and work with a sense of happiness. Through this, we will continue to move forward toward a healthy organization.
Medium-Term Initiatives Policy
D&I Direction
Changes to D&I Initiatives in Japan
Action Plan
- General employer action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
- General employer action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
Systems and Mechanisms
Effects of Workstyle Reform
To realize the purpose of our existence, Olympus promotes diverse work styles with the aim of creating a healthy organizational culture in which each and every employee can perform at his or her best.
In April 2021, we revised the system, particularly in terms of teleworking, by significantly reviewing the eligible employees, maximum number of days, and places of work, in order to enable flexible work styles.
In addition, we created a work environment that offers versatile working styles and that is not restricted by time or location by introducing paid annual leave that is granted in units of hours, introducing satellite offices and other measures. Through these efforts, we aim to improve productivity, achieve work-life balance for employees, and foster an autonomous workplace culture.
We have also introduced a flextime work system Core Time*1, which allows employees to decide freely when to start and finish work during core times*2, to create a workplace culture that values their initiative, to improve their working efficiency and increase their mental and physical motivation. We are promoting initiatives that ensure a balance between the needs of the company and the day-to-day experience of our employees.
*1In June 2020, we revised our core time to 11:15-13:30.
*2Employees who are involved in work that requires regular working hours may not be eligible.
Promotion Structure and Initiatives
- Promoting the Advancement of Women
- Women's Activity Promotion Training System
- External Evaluations
- Examples of Overseas Initiatives
Olympus is working on D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) within the Organizational Development Division to strongly promote the cultivation of an organizational culture in which diversity is respected and a diverse workforce can thrive.
At Olympus and its Japan subsidiaries, the Human Resources Division serves as the center for dialogue with employees and the labor union, providing systems to support an active role for diverse human resources and appropriately drafting and implementing measures. In FY2018, we strengthened our promotion system and established a dedicated diversity organization to further enhance our promotion system.. We are committed to continuing working on this issue.
Promoting the Advancement of Women
The Olympus Group actively recruits and promotes high quality professional and talented people and provides them with opportunities to work in our company so that all employees can demonstrate their abilities without discrimination based on gender in recruitment, promotion, or salary increases.
As of April 2022, Olympus has 85 female employees in managerial positions with a ratio of exceeding 6%. The ratio of female assistant managers and section heads who are candidates for managerial positions is 14.0%, and the overall ratio of female employees is 20.1%, both of which are higher than in the previous fiscal year. To combine both private life and career development, we have introduced various systems, including shorter working hours for periods that exceed legal requirements. We have also established the Olympus Kids Garden, an in-house childcare center, at our Shirakawa and Hachioji business sites.
Our training system is implemented on an ongoing basis and is designed to develop next-generation leaders, support their careers, and foster a corporate culture. We also provide training for female leaders to strengthen the skills of candidates for management positions, a mentoring system that encourages female leaders to think about their careers through dialogue with mentors, support for balancing their work with their career path by providing a place for employees on childcare leave to network, training for employees returning to work after childcare leave to support early start-up of operations after returning, and training for managers to learn about the management of diverse human resources.
Female leader’s training (online)
Training for managers to promote understanding
Olympus Kids Garden at the Hachioji Plant
Women's Activity Promotion Training System
External Evaluations
Platinum Kurumin
Of the companies that formulate action plans under the Act on the Promotion and Advancement of Women, those that achieve the targets specified in those action plans and meet certain standards may apply to be recognized as good companies that implement measures for promotion and advancement of women and receive Eruboshi certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
In 2019, Olympus received Eruboshi certification.
PRIDE Index 2021
Olympus has established a dedicated consultation office in Japan to promote understanding and support for sexual minorities.
In FY2021 we also promoted other initiatives such as seminars to promote understanding (about 90 people attended), LGBTQ Week (e-learning and events were held), and ALLY activities were conducted by volunteers.
As a result of these activities, we received a "Silver" certification in the "PRIDE Index 2021," an evaluation index for LGBTQ initiatives in Japan.
Examples of Overseas Initiatives
Targets and Achievements Data
- [Female]
- Female officers: 8.8%
- Females in managerial positions: 6.02% *(Target 10%FY2028)
- Female section supervisors: 14.0%
- Female employees: 20.1%
- Female new graduates recruited: 25.9%
- Female mid-career hirings: 25.3%
- Male years of continuous employment: 14.10 yrs
- Female years of continuous employment: 10.90 yrs
- Females with children: 41.4%
- [Foreign nationals] as of April 2022
- Officers with foreign nationality: 32.4%
- [Other]
- Persons with disabilities: 2.8% (as of April 2022)
- Childcare (FY2021 actual)
- Took childcare leave (males): 41.3% *Includes system allowing employees to take up to three days of special leave (with pay) when their wives give birth
- Took childcare leave (females): 100%
- Childcare leave period (males): 41.1 days
- Childcare leave period (females): 367.4 days
- Retuned after childcare leave: 100%
- Workstyle (FY2021 actual)
- Annual leave: 12.5 days
- Average legal overtime hours per month: 7.0 hrs
- Telecommuting use: 65.0% of eligible employees used service at least one day per month