Disclosure Policy
Olympus’s corporate philosophy states “making people's lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling,” and serves as the fundamental idea for all its corporate activities. To this end and in order to gain proper understanding and confidence of all the stakeholders, Olympus shall disclose its management policies, business activities, non-financial and other corporate information in a fair, timely, appropriate and proactive manner.
1.Information Disclosure Standards
In disclosing its information, Olympus shall comply with the laws and the Financial Instruments Exchange rules, and shall disclose information in compliance therewith. Olympus shall also proactively disclose those information which may have a material impact on its corporate value evaluation in accordance with the Article 27-36 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (so-called “Fair Disclosure Rules”) and the Internal Information Disclosure Criteria regardless whether such disclosure is not required by the laws or the rules.
2.Method for Information Disclosure
Olympus shall disclosure information, as required by the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, will be disclosed through the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in general. Such information will then immediately be posted on our website. Furthermore, any information not required by the laws or the rules will be disclosed through a press release or via the website.
3.Handling of Undisclosed Material Information
If any non-public material information is disclosed only to certain third parties and is considered that may have a significant impact on the corporate value evaluation of Olympus, Olympus shall immediately disclose such information.
4.Quiet Period
In order to prevent any divulgation of financial closing information, the period from the end date of financial closing until the date of announcement of financial results shall be set as a "quiet period," during which officers and employees shall refrain from making comments or answering questions that relates to financial results. Provided, however, the same shall not apply in the case where any event subject to Timely Disclosure occurs or if the actual financial results materially diverges from the forecast, Olympus Shall disclosure such information as required by the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Applicable Scope
The Information Disclosure Policy of Olympus is applicable to all Olympus group companies.